
S6E69 Interview with Brody Saunders, CEO of IdealEstate

Hosted by
Nate Smoyer

Imagine building a real estate network for 5,000, 10,000, or even 20,000 professionals nationwide. OK, that's a lot of real estate agents, inspectors, appraisers, and lenders to connect with—which would likely take a lot of time, effort, and money to do. Unless of course you're a social media rockstar and have the time for building this sort of network. But that's exactly the problem—real estate agents and other professionals know there's value in having a large network but often don't have the tools, time, or skill to build it. And that's what Brody Saunders, CEO of IdealEstate, is working to solve. He's built what some would describe as the LinkedIn for real estate agents. We talk through why this is such a valuable service and even how one agent amassed a network of over 50,000 (organically) in less than a month. Don't let me stop there, though. Brody and his team are creating their own version of a nationwide MLS and they have some traction moving with this product. We also dig into the business details as to why Brody is likely not going to raise more investment capital (hint: they're growth lightning fast, profitably). Tune in!

IdealEstate is a nationwide network that helps real estate professionals build their online brand, promote their services and connect with new opportunities.

Brody's Email - brodysaunders@idealestate.co
IdealEstate on LinkedIn
IdealEstate on Twitter

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